Jenka Potente's meandering mind.

"Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual." – Hemingway

Tag: obama

Please rot, Monsanto

by jenkapotente

Obama, you need to redeem yourself. And with a quickness. This decision needs to be explained intelligently. Otherwise I have no choice but to encourage the revolt of a nation. Surely, you do not think us so stupid to support our own demise. But perhaps you do. Perhaps the upper echelons of politic and society think of us as peons who need to be lead to their own slaughter. Well fuck that. And you. I’d rather be stripped of my citizenship than be categorized as your sheep.
Know now, I am forever a traitor to any leader or system that does not work toward the betterment of its supporters, but rather toward corporate profit (or more simply put: works toward the persistence of detrimental hierarchy where few profit and many experience poverty).

One Giant Leap For Mankind?

by jenkapotente

I didn’t realize I would be so emotionally invested in this election until last night when Obama won the election. His victory brought tears to my eyes and his speech brought on more. I feel ashamed for ever contemplating not voting.

I woke up today feeling like change was really occurring. Not just in my own life but all over the country and the world. I’m aware of the backlash and those not interested in getting carried away because if something goes wrong, they either want to say “I was right!” or just don’t want to lose on some great investment. I’m usually of that variety, but this is such a positive change I want to do nothing but immerse myself in it. Many of us need healing and this is an opportunity to be a part of something that is working toward change. It’s plainly visible. And, well, it’s not such a risk if it already appears to be working.

I’m rather amazed at how even individuals in other countries are getting into the backlash. Why work against this current? How could anyone think this isn’t real change? How blind can you be? Maybe I am having trouble understanding because I am a minority.