Jenka Potente's meandering mind.

"Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual." – Hemingway

Tag: sin

Self righteous hypocracy

by jenkapotente

“Homosexuality is a sin,” said the obese man to the lesbian. The lesbian smiled brightly and replied, “so we have something in common”. He furled his eyebrows and staunchly replied that he was not a gay man. “I know”, she said, and carried on shopping for strap-on chin dildos.
“Don’t you understand you’re going to hell? Aren’t you listening to me?”
The lesbian stopped trying on chin dildos and walked away leaving the man alone in front of a full length mirror. He asked his god for redemption and looked at his watch: lunch time. He then walked off toward McDonalds.


by jenkapotente

Dawn awaits.

We travel toward the horizon,
but with each step closer,
the destination doesn’t appear any nearer.

Our sun is looming,
stirring beneath the blanket of night;
its clock is
not our clock; our sacred times
are not synchronized.

Shall it then
be used as a reference point?
Its worth is in the light is provides us.
But its curse
is in the annual reminder
that we’re one year closer to an end.

If desire is ‘sin’,
then the greatest human sin
is the desire for more than what we have
in this corporeal form.

The greatest tragedy for one who believes in an afterlife
is the realization that there is no more than what is housed within this world.
I am sorry for all those that live their lives based on what might be after physical death,
because there are no guarantees,
and they may miss out on their one opportunity for happiness.

If there is an afterlife,
then I do not fear, because I don’t believe in one absolute path to access it.
Our world’s cultures and beliefs are too
beautifully discrete
to believe only one has the correct answer.

Right now I am thankful.
I love and I am loved.
I am still working out a solid plan of action for my future, but I think it gets easier with each day. And with my initiative, I hope things will fall into place more easily, as I have had the opportunity to see happen before.

At a point like this, I would want to thank some higher power for all the good things in my life. It seems the custom of most folk, which I’ve witnessed on all sorts of award shows. But instead, I’d like just like to thank everyone I’ve come across. Every entity that had something to do with my being here right now as well as every choice made to get here.