Dreamers of Dreams

by jenkapotente

“manipulation must stop
otherwise you suffer the malady of untruth
and distrust
people’s hearts aren’t just fantasies
they’re fantasies as realities
they’re these incredibly dreamy things
located right in real time”

I sink because of you, but also,
I float because of you.

Sometimes I think of academia as a sort of lofty entity unto itself.
Sui generis
(a term I am using for academia I learned only because of academia)
Well, you can receive an education anywhere, in various forms, but not in that special prepackaged academia way, rich in history and tradition (of the academic sort).

There was a reason I mentioned this.
Ahh, the importance of comparison.
Comparative studies aren’t always popular, but comparison is something we cannot avoid.
We do comparison, even without acknowledging it, all the time.
I bring this up because comparison allows us to become aware of norms (and it was brought up in class recently which gave me a sort of lightbulb moment).

Without being aware of the bad, we could never have the joy of knowing the good.
That comes at a cost. The cost is being conscious of those negatives–being tested by them when they’ve come to the forefront of your mind.

So, I sigh. I sigh for many reasons:
I sigh because verbalizing the mess in my head is often a burdensome task;
I sigh because it is a small release of tensions;
I sigh because I’m in love
and sometimes it hurts more than it elates
which is a notion I get only when hurting.

My new year has been leagues better than the end of my 2008, despite some rough patches.
I feel an incredible lightness in spirit tonight.
I feel love, and it’s all warm and fuzzy,
even bubbly.
Effervescent as it may be, carbonation doesn’t last forever.

reduce, reuse, recycle

Heh. I’m pretty idealistic. I have this belief that humans are pretty much capable of anything we dream up. I guess I am a proper product of socialization. I am a part of a collective consciousness that believes this as well. I am NOT UNIQUE.

So, we dreamers of dreams are faced with the task of making reality of our fantasies. Not so easy. But if we don’t, we have to accept our dreams are just that–Dreams.

I refuse.

I sink because of you, but also,
I float because of you.

Thank you